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Welcome to the Appletree Montessori School

“To assist a child we must provide them with an environment which will enable them to develop freely.”

Maria Montessori


The mission of the Appletree Montessori School is to utilize the philosophy and methods of Dr. Maria Montessori to educate young children to their fullest potential, instilling a deep sense of personal independence and social responsibility. Along with the philosophy, Appletree Montessori strives to provide an exceptional environment which will nurture the development of compassion, respect, honesty, trust, kindness, imagination and independence of each child. 


Based on the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, our philosophy embraces the uniqueness and potential of each child and supports the development of children in a loving, joyful, safe and peaceful environment. Realizing and respecting the individual needs of each child requires us to be prepared, present, and whole, and to nurture with patience and peace. The Montessori philosophy recognizes that each and every child learns at their own pace and therefore it is the teacher’s responsibility to be aware of what lessons every child is or is not ready to embrace. 


Your child’s day will be filled with many independent choices of work, while also receiving daily individual lessons from all areas of the classroom that meet each child’s individual needs, strengths, and interests. The classroom environment is created with different areas of focus which are the pillars of the Montessori curriculum. 

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